Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lovely Mountains and Hills of Pakistan

Pakistan is blessed with extensive range of mountains that are an attraction for tourists, trekkers, mountain climbers and geologists from all over the world. Apart from the mountain ranges of Himalayas, Karakorams and Hindu Kush, there are several valleys running in a north-south direction which connect the high mountains with the foothills. These foothills provide the relaxing hill stations where people go to escape summer in the plains. These Valleys provide some of the most fertile and hauntingly beautiful alpine panoramas anywhere in the world. Here each day’s travel brings constant revelation an the magic of incomparable vistas, breathtaking views of snowy mountains, jade lakes, murmuring streams, dancing waterfalls, dynamic and colorful cultures and rare wildlife.
If you take the flight from Islamabad to Gilgit or Skardu, you can see how the mountains get higher and higher. The aircraft carry you in minutes over the pine-crested brow of the Margalla Hilss, rising in a series of parallel ridges, one after the other– each higher than the other. From the 10,000 meter peaks of Margalla Hills you reach the Himalayan giant Nanga Parbat at 8126 meters. 
In Gilgit-Baltistan, the valleys of Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar, Skardu, Naltar, Astore and Ghizar are noted for their beautiful landscape and unique cultural heritage. In these areas the hills are more like mountains, as the mountains in the region are world’s highest. Alone the valley of Hunza contains dozens of peaks over 7000 meters. 
The Valleys of Chitral , Swat and Kaghan in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province are also well-known for their distinct mountain scenery and are popular tourist destinations. The Neelum Valley in Azad Kashmir is another paradise for tourists with its deeply forested moutains. 

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Lovely Mountains and Hills of Pakistan

Pakistan is blessed with extensive range of mountains that are an attraction for tourists, trekkers, mountain climbers and geologists fr...