Thursday, February 14, 2019

Lovely Mountains and Hills of Pakistan

Pakistan is blessed with extensive range of mountains that are an attraction for tourists, trekkers, mountain climbers and geologists from all over the world. Apart from the mountain ranges of Himalayas, Karakorams and Hindu Kush, there are several valleys running in a north-south direction which connect the high mountains with the foothills. These foothills provide the relaxing hill stations where people go to escape summer in the plains. These Valleys provide some of the most fertile and hauntingly beautiful alpine panoramas anywhere in the world. Here each day’s travel brings constant revelation an the magic of incomparable vistas, breathtaking views of snowy mountains, jade lakes, murmuring streams, dancing waterfalls, dynamic and colorful cultures and rare wildlife.
If you take the flight from Islamabad to Gilgit or Skardu, you can see how the mountains get higher and higher. The aircraft carry you in minutes over the pine-crested brow of the Margalla Hilss, rising in a series of parallel ridges, one after the other– each higher than the other. From the 10,000 meter peaks of Margalla Hills you reach the Himalayan giant Nanga Parbat at 8126 meters. 
In Gilgit-Baltistan, the valleys of Gilgit, Hunza, Nagar, Skardu, Naltar, Astore and Ghizar are noted for their beautiful landscape and unique cultural heritage. In these areas the hills are more like mountains, as the mountains in the region are world’s highest. Alone the valley of Hunza contains dozens of peaks over 7000 meters. 
The Valleys of Chitral , Swat and Kaghan in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province are also well-known for their distinct mountain scenery and are popular tourist destinations. The Neelum Valley in Azad Kashmir is another paradise for tourists with its deeply forested moutains. 

Adventure Destinations in Pakistan You Love To Travel

Many tourists see Pakistan as an unsafe and isolated country held under oppressive religious laws. As I learned on my recent tour, however, this country is filled with wonderful beautiful surprises. If you are a tourist or love travelling then you must compile a list of places you plan to visit. Join me discover the life of people on the ‘roof-top’ of the country through My trip to Pakistan blog: Pakistan travel blog — A journey to the roof of Pakistan.

Most tourists who come back to check mountain peak reside Fairy Meadows ( three,300 m), therefore named owing to native belief that fairies inhabit this stunningly wooded alpine hayfield. Fairy Meadows area unit idyllic reorientpastures encircled by pine forests on the northern slopes of mountain peak, with exciting views of the snowy North Face on top ofit's the simplest place to look at the majestic fantastic thing about mountain peak. There area unitmany short walks on this tablelandtogether with the total day excursion up to the bottom Camp, (3900m) of mountain peak. The North or Raikot Face dives over 7000 meters from the summit to the Indus, forming one amongst world’s deepest and finest gorges.

Nanga Parbat has three faces, Diamer face, Raikot and Rupal. The local name of the mountain is Diamir, meaning “Monarch of the Gods.” It is said that the mountain is inhabited by fairies and superlatives.

Your journey to Naltar will begin upon leaving Karakorum highway by Gilgit and up the journey is a two-hour jeep ride because the track is so difficult you cannot take cars. Many people are hesitant because of the road conditions but trust me when I say,the beauty and treasure ahead are worth it.
Naltar is truly magical with its forests and fresh air. The three lakes are collectively known as Bashkiri lakes. The vast valley leading to the lake is lush green and you will see it attacks many Gujjar nomads with their livestock. They graze during the summer months.
So the first lake is Satrangi. Not even your wildest dreams will prepare you for what you will experience. Clear water, landscape, so many colors reflecting from the surface of the water. The pictures I took were not good enough to describe what I felt standing there.
The second Lakepari was different and bigger and people go on a boat ride which was fun. Also, there was a campsite along the lakeshore. The third lake has to be visited on foot because it is not accessible. It is a 45-minute trek. You will enter a ‘maidan’ 10 minutes into it and far ahead I could see the snow capped mountains. The air grew steadily colder but still determined we moved on.
At last the most beautiful Firoza lake came into view and my excitement grew. It was breathtaking. Sitting on my slope it seemed the lake and the maidan flowed side by side in harmony. On my way back I was already on the conclusion that this was life-changing.

The next on the list was Dudipatsar. It is a lake that circles the Lulusar natural park. It lies in kaghan valley Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The park and lake are accessible for four months a year from June to September.
During the first phase of the journey, the road was alright and can be traveled by an ordinary vehicle. Onward a good jeep is needed. The trip is amazing. ‘Dudi’ means white, ‘pat’means mountains and ‘sar’Means Lake.
Go in the month of July, the lake is lush greenish blue and the landscape green. Again I found myself surrounded by snow capped mountain peaks and air cold. But all of the traveling was worth it. There are many other lakes in the valley and it is said that Dudipatsar is more beautiful than lake saiful maluk. Although both lakes are beautiful in their own aspect.
The park near it has snow leopards, lynx, marmot, black bear and more. This wildlife and the wetlands are very important for the ecosystem there, and definitely a unique will definitely want to visit this heaven again.

Karimabad is the capital of the amazing Hunza district. It is said to be the top 5 tourist attraction in Pakistan and I agree. It’s beautiful a vibrant.
You can go by bus that drops outside the city to protect it from pollution. One plus point is hotels are easily available. After checking into your hotel, you can set out to tour this magnificent city. Along the way, you will pass by many houses that are thousands of years old. If you are a dreamer like me you will want to touch and feel everything, soak in the history and beauty.
The main valley is surrounded by mountains and divided into levels. The valley named after Prince Karim Aga Khan is home to mountains like Rakaposhi (7788 m) and Ghenta peak (7090 m).
While roaming and looking at shops you can eat a number of apricot delicacies that are a staple in the region. All year round you can see a lot of tourists there especially in summer.
The valley in front of me was lush and alive with apricot, walnut and apple trees. The air filled with the smell of fresh fruit that will make you feel welcome. It is a beautiful mix of nature, tradition, and civilization. Fit for a prince indeed.
Khata Lake:
Chitta Katha Lake is located in Shounter valley, Azad Kashmir administered by Pakistan. It is located at the elevation of 13,500 feet (4100 m).
From Islamabad to Muzaffarabad it will take 3 and a half hour on personal transport. Then from Muzaffarabad to Kel, it takes 11 hours on Bus, and about 9 hours on your own vehicle. Then you can travel from Kel to Chitta Katha Domel and Chitta Katha Lake which is about 7-8 hours away.
It is a beautiful area, high up in the mountains. With a lake that has so many colors that you will get lost in its beauty. It lies between snowcapped mountains reaching for the sky. The road leading to Khata Lake maybe tough but it is also an adventure to brag about.
There is a small hotel at Kel, Ajk Tourism Resort Kel , you can stay and plan accordingly.
What are you waiting for, start your adventure.

Lovely Mountains and Hills of Pakistan

Pakistan is blessed with extensive range of mountains that are an attraction for tourists, trekkers, mountain climbers and geologists fr...